Hydrogen Therapy - Injury and Acute Event Recovery
Acute events and injuries, ranging from serious injuries or episodes to relatively mild occurrences such as sleep deprivation, can take a toll on our health. The extent of the event determines the short and long term impact to our health, however, even the least damaging events can be detrimental. Hydrogen therapy is being studied extensively for recovery from acute events and injuries, and so are our hydrogen tablets. By regulating our initial response to the stress, as well as correcting certain functions back to homeostasis and promoting healing, hydrogen therapy may be an important ally in these acute cases of injury or deleterious events.

Hydrogen Water vs Caffeine
Sleep deprivation has numerous consequences, including acute disruptions to our metabolic health, productivity losses, and even immediate dangers from lack of attention. Society’s go-to has always been stimulants like caffeine. But is this the only solution?
Drink HRW hydrogen tablets were shown to be as effective as 100 mg of caffeine in raising the attention scores of 23 young, healthy participants after 24hrs of sleep deprivation. The researchers also discovered some interesting information in this study, which suggests you should reach for your Drink HRW tablets, instead of reaching for the caffeine.
Hydrogen-Rich Hydrotherapy vs RICE Protocol
In this pilot study on pro soccer players who suffered grade two ankle tears, bathing in hydrogen water from our high dose hydrogen tablets designed for the bath led to significant improvements in recovery and was shown to be equivalent to the standard RICE Protocol (Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate). RICE is widely used for its’ benefits in the first 24hrs, however, it may slow down the rate of healing due to decreased blood plasma flow. Hydrogen water bathing was showing to be as effective, and prior research suggests hydrogen water bathing increases blood plasma flow and speeds up healing and recovery.
Concussion Recovery
In an exploratory case study on a pro soccer player who had suffered loss of consciousness after a head on head collision, hydrogen water from our tablets demonstrated it may be a safe and effective treatment for concussion recovery. More research is needed.
Topical Hydrotherapy for Soft Tissue Injury
In an exploratory case study on a pro soccer player who suffered a grade two ankle tear, bathing in hydrogen water from our high dose hydrogen tablets designed for the bath led to significant improvements in recovery. This prompted a full randomized controlled trial comparing the high concentration hydrogen water therapy against RICE protocol, which is the standard treatment and an abbreviation for rest, ice, compress elevate.
Case Study: Hydrogen-Rich Hydrotherapy for Acute Toe Injury
Summary below: A small case study demonstrating recovery from soft tissue injury, and potential fracture, sustained while kickboxing. Similar results as was demonstrated in our case study on ankle tear, and our clinical trial comparing hydrogen-rich water hydrotherapy to RICE protocol in ankle tears